Before my conversion to Catholicism, I was a Protestant very convinced that Catholics were crazy people who believed made up things and had a superiority complex. I believed all my friends when they told me that they didn’t believe biblical things and that we should ONLY ever trust the Bible and what it says! CatholicsRead More
How to Be The Perfect Mother
Welcome to this wonderful blog post all about how to be a perfect mother! What is a mother who is absolutely perfect? What does that look like? Well I am glad you asked!
Blogging for FUN!
Hey y’all! As time passes on, I keep on getting a really icky feeling. I just can’t help but notice as time goes on that the more and more that I look, it’s like everyone is trying to sell me something. I get it, America is a nation absorbed with consumerism, but I mean dang!Read More
Why IVF and Surrogacy Are Evil
This topic is a hard one for many people to discuss. Obviously, in recent years we have seen such a change in society and in the things that we will accept, mostly in terms of this “sexual revolution” that is going on. Surrogacy and IVF are not only morally evil in the eyes of theRead More
My RCIA Experience
RCIA stands for “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults”. It is basically a class people go through who want to learn more about the faith. During the period of this class, which usually meets once a week during the fall semester or from September-April, you learn about the Catholic faith. You learn about the historyRead More
Having Faith During Postpartum Time
Postpartum is a very interesting time for a lot of moms. Especially if it’s your first, everything can seem like a full-time job, never mind keeping up your spiritual routines. In between learning about your new baby’s personality, feeding, changing, finding some time to sleep anywhere, it can be so challenging. Despite this, there areRead More