Submission in marriage can be really hard. Submission itself sounds like a dirty word. Dogs submit to their owners, but wives and husbands? This concept today has been completely twisted by a secular world view. Submitting to your husband is a very beautiful and self-sacrificing thing to do, and the same for him. Ephesians 5Read More
What Do Catholics Believe?
The question of what Catholics believe is a really big question. Luckily, we have a creed that pretty much lays out everything that we believe. But before we get into the creed itself, where did Catholicism even begin? Catholicism began as soon as Jesus left the Apostles to go into Heaven. Leaving St. Peter inRead More
AMAZING Catholic Books You MUST Read!
Part of the amazing faith that is Catholicism is that there is always so much to learn! There is never a point in time in which an individual has said, “I know everything about God and the faith now, that’s all there is! I’m done!” In fact, most people who study theology at great lengthsRead More
Being a Stay At Home Mom
Being a stay at home mom doesn’t sound like anything too hard does it? It sounds like a lot of fun and so many women just want to be stay at home moms so it must be awesome, right?! Ehhh. Being a stay at home mom, like any other job, has it’s own pros andRead More
Being Set Apart
Growing up, maybe you were someone that always wanted to fit in. Maybe you were someone who would rather be quiet, blend in, rather than sticking out of the crowd. I went to really big public school my entire life, which meant that people who “stood out” were often easy targets to be picked on.Read More
How to Start Your Own Podcast
So you want to start your own podcast! Podcasts have been really gaining in popularity this year and there is still so much more growth to be had. Starting your own can be done a million different ways, but is generally really easy! Here I will go over everything you need and how to getRead More