Welcome! My name is Kasie (KC) and I am incredibly passionate about my faith and about writing! I fell in love with writing as a little girl and would write the craziest stories anytime I could. As I got older and went through my faith walk, I ended up going on some crazy adventures (and over some crazy cliffs). Despite a long and awkward journey, I ended up in this thing called Catholicism.
I discovered that Catholicism was the one true faith created by Jesus Christ and passed down throughout 2000 years of history to where I am at now. Once I found out about this, there was no going back for me. I have always absolutely loved my faith and am always eager to be learning more and sharing with others and having lots of wonderful discussions.
Some of my favorite things are reading, Lord of the Rings, apologetics, writing, and just hanging out with my family and playing outside! We are a beautiful family of 7 and I cherish my family more than anything. I am so excited to hopefully welcome you into our little circle and become great friends and learn a lot along the way! Please feel free to shoot me any messages or leave comments and I would always love to chat.
Stay blessed,